Friday 5 August 2016

#1 Mistake Soulpreneurs Make

It's been awhile since I have touched base. 

I know. 

I haven't been in touch because of the #1 Mistake Soulpreneurs make. 

I was trying to do too much!

I started this tribe because I have so much to offer and ways to help guide others to more soul, ease, freedom, and success in their soul based biz, but I also realized that I had just added more to my To Do List too. 

I got caught in the pull of Doing Loud. 

Yet my sweet spot, where I really thrive, is Doing Quiet. 

What is Doing Loud + Doing Quiet?

It can be soo easy to get swept up and away in what and how you "should" be Doing in your biz. 

With social media often acting as The Bible for what needs to be done to achieve success, popularity, wealth, health, and even apparent happiness, our Truth and how to offer it in to the world can get skewed.

We gotta write the blog, make connections, teach these places, dress this way, tag these people, eat those foods, go to these meetings, collaborate with those people, create the perfect offer, make videos, dvd, podcast.....

And the list goes on and on.

When I first started teaching Yoga I got consumed in this and caught in the trap. 

Clearly I still catch myself thinking More/Doing/Should-ing but thankfully I am grounded in my Truth now.

Doing things Loud means that you are everywhere ~ instagram, blogging, touring, snap chat, facebook, email newsletters, interviews, podcasts. 
The list goes on....

Loud people are usually those Big Name spiritual/yoga teachers, authors, and coaches we follow. 

We often forget though that they didn't start this way AND they now have a big team behind them keeping their biz running. 

Doing things quietly are the people who are working veryeffectively with two or three forms of media, marketing, and socializing online/offline that work really well at helping them generate income, interest, and people in to their Tribe. 

Don't underestimate the Quiet. 

Just because they aren't everywhere doesn't mean they aren't slaying their bottom line all the time!

So some people do things loudly and some do things quietly but if you compare your Way to others, try to immitate them, or think that only one way to do things brings you success, you are guaranteed to fail.

Maybe not financially or in the model but in your connection to your Truth and what you are meant and put here for. 

So do it Loud. Do it quietly. Just do IT.

The more I let go of trying to be "loud", everywhere, do everything,connect to everyone, and instead stood strong to my Truth and version of success, wealth, and happiness the faster it happened. 

And continues to happen for me.
Something that has been happening really quietly for me is my One on One Mentorship program for Soulpreneurs. 

I haven't had to run any facebook ad's, post much, or write blogs, guest post, do interviews, and yet this past season itFilled.

Over the summer I have been quietly supporting others in finding their Sweet Spots, rebranding their biz, creating Sacred Offerings, giving them valuable tool and systems, and really meeting the Soul of their business. 

Some of them have been at it for years. 
Some just starting out. 

Some are loud but working quietly. 
Some are quiet but working too loud. 

And when we started working together, ALL of them were trying to do too much!

All of them not feeling like they were getting anywhere or stuck.

We've changed that. 

Too make sure that I follow my own advice, keep to my biz sweet spot, and honour the rhythms that keep me successful, I am quietly opening just 1 spot for my next round of One on One Soulpreneur Mentorship. 

Without even publicly declaring or promoting it, the other spots have already filled. 

If you feel as though you could use some support, accountability, guidance, clarity, and want to stop doing everything only to go unnoticed, this is the perfect program for you. 

So I might only be reaching out and checking in with you sporadically, yes, so if nothing else ask yourself:

~ Am I trying to do too much?
~ I am Loud or Quiet?
~ What might I cut out to make space for what I really want to attract in?
~ What is my most successful social space that generates income/interest in what I do?

And if you are interested in working with me One on One to gain even more insights, ease, freedom, expanding your reach, and exploring success in your Soul Based biz 
and book your short consult call because this spot won't last long. 

Sending so many blessings for a Sweet + Soul-full rest of your summer Soulpreneurs. 

Many blessings for success, 


P.S. If you have any questions don't hesitate to press {Reply} and ask away!

What Mentees Are Saying:

 "I had the courage to step out of my comfort zone and move away from all the fear that has been inside me"

"I love the way my website looks, the feel of it, what my business represents and the brand I now stand for."

"Thank you Megan, I am super satisfied by the work we are doing together. "

"I feel Grounded - Expansive - Ready"

Get More Insider Soulpreneur Goodness! {Click Here} 

Saturday 12 March 2016

Creating An Ideal Life + Medicine Wheel


For so long I have been wanting to share more about how I transformed from the Prostitute to Priestess, especially being that that article and webinar was one of the most popular one's I have done. 
(If you missed them ~ article or webinar)

I knew there was a need... It was just about the right time. 

That time is now. 

Timing actually has a lot to do with the first thing I want to share you.

When I first started teaching yoga 11 years ago, I wanted everything right away. 

I wanted the perfect class times, those classes to be full, my workshops to fill, offer workshops at studio's around the world, and teach at yoga festivals. 

When it wasn't happening, I just tried harder to make it happen. 
Or, I would beat myself up inwardly and took it personally. 
Or, I would judge studio's, the culture, the students even...

After a couple of years of trying reallllly hard to make my teaching dreams come true I burnt out. 
I worked so hard, tried to control so much, compete too much, and practiced too little, and as a result I ended up having to let all the dreams go straight down the gutter when I bowed out. 

During my year and a half sabbatical I had the space and time to reflect on what happened and what I really wanted to do, but more importantly how I really wanted to Live

I knew I was here to teach yoga from the moment I taught my first Sun Salutations but what I didn't know, and no one taught me, was how to do it sustainably

So today I want to give you my way to begin again and create an Ideal Life,and not just 'job', career, or path. 

 The Soulpreneurs Medicine Wheel has given me the ability to have it all ~ my ideal life, abundance, success, dreams, collaborations, friendships, etc.

Pieces were gifted to me from mentor's and teachers, including Pete Bernard who is a guest teacher at Soulpreneurs Unite next month.
What I did though was take them and make them my own (a whole other subject we will riff on soon!)

This is a 'Medicine Wheel' because if done consistently it will, no shadow of a doubt, support you in creating an Ideal Life and, like medicine, help heal some places you might feel stuck, blocked, scared, or soothe things like self-sabotage.

You can work on your Medicine Wheel every week, month, six months or year.
I personally work it every six months just to be sure that my Medicine is always with me.

One of my favorite quotes, also by Pete, is "the further away you feel from where you want to be, the closer you need to be to your medicine."

So here's what you do!

Take out a piece of paper and draw an + through the center of it, like the one you see in the Medicine Wheel.

This is best done point form and without editing yourself.
Nothing is too big, silly, sad, or outrageous.
Everything is welcome in your Medicine Wheel!

From there write down your Ideals for relationships, love, home, family, friends, support systems.
Pretty much think of this quadrant as your personal life.
How do you want it to look?
Who do you want in it, next to you, supporting you?

Ex. There was a point in my life that I had no time for friends or family really. Only the mandatory stuff like birthday's and holidays but sometimes even then I would, or had to, work instead. On my Medicine Wheel I said my Ideal Time with Family + Friends was 3 gatherings a week. And now that's is exactly what happens!

In the next quadrant do the same thing for Ideal jobs, opportunities, partnerships, collaborations, etc.
Think of this one as where you want to teach Yoga perhaps or where you want to speak at.
Again, write them it all down.
As much as you can think of.

Ex. I started out teaching 25 yoga classes a week plus workshops, when I came back after my sabbatical I vowed to teach no more than 10. Three years ago on my Wheel my Ideal number of classes a week was 5. And presently I teach only 5 classes a week!

Next, do the same process for finances, successes, milestones, income, what you want to be remembered for.
Think of this quadrant as where you are going to be eventually.
And pretty please, when you write down your Ideal Income think big but be realistic starting where you are.

Example, when I first did this in another exercise four years ago I was making $4,000 net a year (yes, wayyy below poverty) so I filled in $100,000 as my Ideal Income. 
Starting where I was and saying $5 million would have not been realistic or sustainable. 
And low and behold... three years in a row I have been making more than that and still growing!

So seriously the Medicine Wheel works!

Ok, so back on track.

Last quadrant, a la Danielle Laport, is your Core Desired Feelings.
If you don't have the book or anything like that don't even worry.
All you need to do is write down some feelings you would like to have every day, week, month, or this entire year.
How you want to feel in your partnerships, relationships, job, at that studio you want to work at, with those students who show up, when your workshops fill, when you find your true love.
That kinda stuff.
Write at least 10 feelings.

Ex. My Top 3 CDF's are inspired, excited, free. 

Now after you have filled in all four quadrants with ton's of Ideals, I want you to sit and honestly admit to yourself the 1 Biggest Area where medicine is needed and circle them.
In other words, what is most important, crucial, or needed right now?

1 in each quadrant and then 3 Core Desired Feelings.

Example, all my examples above. When I looked over my wheel I realized I reallllly wanted more time to connect with my friends and family, was teaching way more than I wanted to and could sustainably, was not earning nearly enough for the work I was putting out, and those 3 words under Core Desired Feelings were what jumped out. 

So these became my Medicine Wheel.

Once you have your one aspect of each quadrant, it is your medicine for again the next month, six months, or year.
You will only move on once you see those things begin to manifest, appear, change, and show up in your life.
Until then, you stay with them and keep them close.

Now, don't go out in a week and drop five classes or start booking retreats or workshops all over the world!!

The final step is to sit with it.

Each morning you take 5 minutes.
Sit down.
Be still.
Close your eyes.
Envision your self in the center of your Medicine Wheel and in the feelings you want to feel.

Visualize each quadrant or Ideal beside and surrounding you.

Sit with those feelings and hold strong to those visions.

After your 5 minute meditation and visualization end with this prayer.

This is manifestation at it's best.
You won't have to chase, control, or manipulate your way to them.

They will come to you!

Align your energy with your Ideals, and feel what it would be like to already have them, and you are over half way there!
The Universe will catch up by providing you with the opportunities, people, experiences, and teachers you need to get there.

Hardest part is that you have to Trust. 

Example, I wanted to get down to 5 classes a week. I sat and visualized myself with ton's of free time to see my friends, feeling financially stable and able to take that time off and enjoy spending time with them. Only to have had coffee with a friend a couple weeks later and her tell me she was opening a studio. I could have any classes I wanted and would get paid x amount per class. What did that all mean... 
You guessed it!
I could go down to 5 classes a week once it opened. 

That my friends in the Universe catching up to our Ideals.

Hope this helps and supports you in creating an Ideal Life so that you can really #livelikeyoumeanit with me!

P.S. I adore hearing from you so if you have any questions, need clarity on the Medicine Wheel, or just want to let me know when an Ideal come to fruition for you don't hesitate to leave a Comment below. xx

FREE Mentorship!

As part of the Soulpreneurs Tribe you get a Complimentary Group Mentorship call each month! If you aren't already an Insider, which you need to be to get access to these calls, {click here}

April 5th @4pm

Soulpreneurs Unite!

April 16 + 17th in Ottawa

Join Bala Freeman, Pete Bernard, and myself for a day of yoga, meditation, practices, tools, connection, and community that will only support you in becoming a successful Soulpreneur!

Only 4 spots remain! Find out more {here}